Friday, March 12, 2010

Soundtrack for the Chaos

"Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul." ~unknown

Music is a constant variable in our home. I cannot imagine life without it. We rocked our babies to sleep to it, danced after we became one, smile when we hear the opening notes, and put it on to see pure happiness flow from our children. It is a life source on cold, bitter winter days. It makes us remember times that are filled with emotion - whether they be good or bad. So, today as I stood watching our first baby go to school to continue forging his path, and watched our second baby giggle over the sound of sand making fat plops in puddles, I closed my eyes and heard our soundtrack for the chaos.

I'd like to say that hardly a day goes by when I don't hear the soundtrack, but that wouldn't be true. There are days when we are so deep in the trenches that forget to see how full our cup is. Then magically it spills over and leaves a sheen that is hard to ignore. Trees become greener, the sun shines through the clouds and life is brighter. It is times like these that I treasure. Today is one of those beautiful days where I hear the soundtrack, and I thank God for putting all the notes in my life.

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