Wednesday, May 5, 2010

If the Rottens Ruled the World

Ferret and I picked up Weasel from school yesterday so I could vote before school. My Rottens have a big problem with littering. They cannot stand it, and if they see something, they most likely will pick it up. Unless a certain mother eeks in disgust of serious germs. Then we leave it because you never know what kind of flesh eating bacteria is living on something. Worse, what if it is a super bug that doesn't come off no matter how much we wash our hands, and then who can eat with the thought of stranger germs still on your hands?!


So, we were driving along and Weasel said that he wishes we ruled the world. And so began the rules of a world ran by Johnny Rottens.

Rule #1: Everyone has to have nice yards

Rule #2: Everyone has to pick up their trash

Rule #3: Everyone has to cut their grass

Rule #4: Everyone has to plant lots, and lots, and lots of trees

Rule #5 came in from the Ferret. He simply stated, "How about everyone just be nice?"

I wish I could live in their world.

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