Monday, April 19, 2010

Mmmmmm Crow! Yummy!

I have found 5 gray hairs on the right side of my head, and I do believe that if I look closer that I'll find a couple more. So continue to read if you want to see me grovel.

Dear people with gray hair that I know,

You know who you are. I don't have to out you. I'm sorry. I mean I am really, super duper, from the bottom of my cotton pickin, cruel, ignorant, heart - sorry. I've told you that it doesn't matter. I've told you that gray hair doesn't mean you are old. Oh, the shame I feel now for being so inconsiderate of your feelings. It really doesn't mean are old. J, it does look inexplicably sexy (sorry folks, but he is) on you. You see, you are a man and it just looks good. On women...well I'm finding not all of us can pull it off.

The madness is actually making me want to scratch down hair dye on my shopping list this morning. To think of all those years in High school and beyond that I spent dying my gray free hair! Precious natural hair color time wasted on vanity...oh crap. I'm getting set in my old ways apparently. Vanity you cruel beast, you.

Please forgive me friends. Please! If it makes you feel any better, in a quest to prove that I am not getting old, I tried to ride J's skateboard last night after he put new trucks and wheels on. Karma did not just bite me in the butt, it bit me all down my right side when I fell. I was standing on the board and then the next thing I knew I was on the ground watching the board sail away. Thankfully, Motrin keeps Karma's claws at bay. Kinda.


Crow lover.


  1. I am starting to go grey, too. It's a hard hard day when you find those first few sprouts.

  2. Huh. I don't see the comment that was left..

  3. Ah, there she be.

    Yes, those sprouts are nasty.
